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To our English-speaking users,

Please bear in mind that the articles in the Wikijoo encyclopedia are entirely written in Persian. However, to facilitate browsing for those of our users who find it more comfortable to type in English, we have provided almost all of our articles with English titles. In other words, although the content of articles is in Persian, you could have access to them by searching their English titles. When you want to search for a word in the titles or contents of our articles, please type that word in the search box (located at the top left of each page on the Wikijoo website). Then, you should see a list of suggestions for your word. In the last line of suggestions, you will see the “search containing pages” section. By clicking this section, you will be shown the listed results of your search. The results are sorted in a way that you will first see the titles of articles and then the content of the articles containing your word.